FOR PARTIES BOOKED JUNE, JULY and AUGUST, you will recieve DOUBLE the Hostess Rewards listed!!
I have made hosting a party easy! I email you the invitation that you can forward to your friends and family in an email or print off and deliver. You can also "Create an Event" on facebook to invite all your facebook friends. On average, our Hostess' earn 6 FREE accessories! Here is how you can earn yours!
Hostess Rewards
2 accessories up front for being a hostess
1 accessory for every $100 sold
1 accessory for every 10 buying customers
1 accessory for every party booked (as a result of your party)
3 accessories for every person that signs up to become a consultant (as a result of your party)
Contact me today!
Please be sure to include your name, phone number, city and state and where you heard about me.
I bring 3-4 display boards that are free standing. I will need 1 oblong table to put bracelets and ring boxes on. If you do not have a table, please let me know so that I can bring one with me. Don't worry...I can adjust to fit into any space.